Canfield News

Sioux Falls Woman Magazine Reports that VECTRA 3D puts Patients and Surgeons on the Same Page

Sioux Falls Woman Magazine article on VECTRA Sioux Falls Woman discovers that when words fail, the VECTRA 3D Imaging System helps get the conversation going between plastic surgeons and their patients.

To help patients visualize, in real time, how plastic surgery could change the appearance of their own face or body, Avera Medical Group plastic surgeons Barry Martin, MD and Mark Shashikant, MD, turn to the VECTRA XT 3D Imaging System. "In the past, a patient may have taken her own photos, or maybe struggled to explain what she didn't like about, for example, her nose," Martin said. "This technology translates this desire with complete accuracy. There's no guessing. We can go over the images sitting side by side and be on the exact same page, long before we schedule surgery."

Both doctors said having the VECTRA XT right in the clinic makes a huge difference. A simple 10-minute VECTRA session takes place as their consultation begins. Shashikant said the real-time response to the photos is crucial to him, his team and the patient. 

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